A bit different instrumental music for the weekend to listen to while reading your favorite books.
Although generally not too much I'm loving progressive groups with extremely complex and convoluted compositions for this group keep a special affection. Remember downloading some songs from their first album "Contact" back in the early twenty-first century Napster, Audiogalaxy or any of those p2p programs stale and frankly left me fascinated.
![D2BC7D392.jpg D2BC7D392](http://lh5.ggpht.com/_5MRGBqYJPFU/TXNwZ6hO3GI/AAAAAAAAAx8/jhPmnSYfmX8/D2BC7D392.jpg?imgmax=800)
And thanks to the Internet (specifically the Wikipedia), I discovered that the guitarist and founder of Wolfgang Zenk , had an earlier group called Sieges Even , which I will also give an opportunity to encourage .
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