Today, it is strange he does not have a friend, acquaintance or relative who is homosexual, or the same officer in this sexual identity. No However, it is like "homosexual" as we often refer to, but with the more modern and casual of "gay." But what exactly does this word?
If we approach the dictionary of the English Language (DRAE), the definition of the term would be: "one individual belonging or relating to homosexuality." However, we must clarify that "gay" is an anglicized that comes from the Provençal "gai", which comes to mean "happy and playful."
The term "left out "in San Francisco.
"Gay" was first used, the story to refer to the Bourbons in the sixteenth century. Apparently, the mannerisms and the excessive magnificence displayed by the men who made the English did, enemies laugh at these attitudes, calling them "very happy" (or "gay"). In the nineteenth century, the term came to England, where he was named the men who worked as prostitutes and homosexual.
The term ended in the 70 liberated in the mythical city San Francisco, where the "gay boy" was a flag to wield in the gay liberation movement.
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