Saturday, March 26, 2011

British Red Flower Pin

Where does the word "gay"? Chemical warfare in

Today, it is strange he does not have a friend, acquaintance or relative who is homosexual, or the same officer in this sexual identity. No However, it is like "homosexual" as we often refer to, but with the more modern and casual of "gay." But what exactly does this word?

If we approach the dictionary of the English Language (DRAE), the definition of the term would be: "one individual belonging or relating to homosexuality." However, we must clarify that "gay" is an anglicized that comes from the Provençal "gai", which comes to mean "happy and playful."

The term "left out "in San Francisco.

"Gay" was first used, the story to refer to the Bourbons in the sixteenth century. Apparently, the mannerisms and the excessive magnificence displayed by the men who made the English did, enemies laugh at these attitudes, calling them "very happy" (or "gay"). In the nineteenth century, the term came to England, where he was named the men who worked as prostitutes and homosexual.

The term ended in the 70 liberated in the mythical city San Francisco, where the "gay boy" was a flag to wield in the gay liberation movement.

Monday, March 21, 2011

When Does Pregnancy Discharge Start

What is the concept of conceptual art? Dress

The problem is that in general there is no concept except to show an idea or a vision hypnopompic rambling (I screwed up with the word, CONFESAL) in a cool place where your friends and four critics take a few sips of poor quality, marketing strategy a warehouse.
The absence of conceptual art concept comes sometimes to extremes that leave you patitieso. A few years ago, the show was that a text elegies of several, to start a piece of paper like that glue the paseaperros on poles, to a queue and I gave a copy of the text. As this was happening in Argentina, the photocopier had no ink, so refer you to a house of notes near the Faculty of Philosophy, where several days later had to give the slip to give it to you free. The artists believed that the concept was to select the text and make the queue to get your copy, but I thought it was a great concept that did not have dough to buy an ink cartridge and had to make another line in front of a photocopier that had nothing to do with the artists or the art.
Here it is time to confess something (the wave look how I leave the water closet and show my privacy has also come to lick these old banks): I have a niece and a son-conceptual artists. What would be the niece lives in New York, has an art gallery and in this moment is doing a show that is to show that it is an art gallery. In a large empty room on display around the gallery exchanged papers with a Brazilian artist to invite her to expose. That's it. I think there was also a forced attempt to explain all that was outside of capitalism, because the ingredient I shit in capitalism is essential to being a respected artist within capitalism. The vernissage was all modern New York, the press and dozens of celebrities, looked at the papers, heaping the promotion of the winery and picho chau. Conceptual artist
My son is something else. I like what he does. Grab a line of thought, develops, imagine the likely consequences thereafter, creates objects that have to do with it, original things that work or things attractive graphics and funny, intelligent texts that although the concept seems to disperse come one hand unexpected. All it does is cute and well done.
One of his works is called the corner indicated. Awaits you in one place and takes you on a car for a spin-half hour scheduled everything perfectly, like a choreography, listening with headphones to a radio program that created and mounted. Along the way you explain things audio unknown places where you going, like a kind of urban knowledge, and besides there are beautiful texts, music sung and translated simultaneously by a wonderful voice, an interview with Mariano Blatt reading a beautiful poem, bizarre technological proposals, and finally you get off and you still have ringing in your head the opportunity to reproduce and expand the very thing that you have never before occurred.
I think that it is art and conceptual. But fuck as one of the Moma last year, it was a long, boring film ever Street in Manhattan that was intended to convey something like "Art is not only in art galleries. Everyone can make art without relying on galleries art of capitalism, "let me fuck, not art nor is conceptual. Go to laburar.


Roman times


Simon James, an archaeologist at the University of Leicester, has presented evidence that a dozen Roman soldiers, found in an old mine in the city under siege Dura-Europos, Syria, died not as a result of a stab with a sword or a spear, but suffocated.

Dura-Europos, a city on the Euphrates, was conquered by the Romans, who then settled there a large garrison of troops. About the year 256 AD C., the city was subjected to a fierce siege by an army of pop-Sassanid Persian Empire. The dramatic story has been reconstructed exclusively from archaeological remains, since no ancient text describes. Excavations in the area began in the 1920s and continued during 1930. However, not everything was discovered so far. To be resumed excavations in recent years have ended, resulting in several spectacular discoveries.

The Sassanid used the whole arsenal of techniques to overcome old siege of the city's defenses, including excavation of mines to overcome its walls. The Roman defenders responded by "contraminas" to repel the attackers. In one of those narrow and low underground galleries, was found in the 1930's, a lot of bodies, from about 20 Roman soldiers with their weapons yet. Recently, as James was working at the archaeological site, reviewed the "crime scene" trying to figure out the cause of death of these soldiers and how they got to where they were found.

Judging from the corpses, it seems clear, as the archaeologists say that when miners and contramineros met, the Romans lost the skirmish. A careful analysis of the disposition of the bodies showed that they were deliberately stacked against Roman tunnel mouth, using his victims to create a barrier of bodies and shields, thereby paralyzing the Roman counterattack while setting fire to the counter-move, collapsing the gallery , allowing the Persians to continue his forward operating underground. This explains why the bodies were found at that position. But how did they die? Killing 20 soldiers in an area with less than 2 meters in height or width, and about 11 feet long, required the Persians a superhuman fighting force, or something more insidious.

The findings in the Roman tunnel revealed that the Persians used bitumen and burning sulfur crystals. When burned, these materials produced dense clouds of poison gas.

Persians to the Romans had heard while digging the tunnel counter and prepared a dangerous surprise for them. Archaeologists believe that the hearths placed Sassanian and bellows in your gallery, and when the Romans opened a gap, the Sassanid poured the mixture of chemicals and suffocating clouds of smoke pumped into the tunnel through the hole Roman. The departure of Roman assault was knocked unconscious in question seconds, dying within minutes.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cold Sores On Stomach

I returned?

is I'm on vacation for ten days. Recorded message that I'm not on film and in the email, I asked my friend Adolfo who care for the desperate patients, and came to New York to roll around on the floor with my grandson # 4, 14 months .
Along with the holiday feeling caught me looking forward to writing in the block. I took the Lithuanian language and put a understandable because it was a kilombo understand the instructions, I changed two or three times the design and explored some new gadgets. I wanted to put one that has a Link, which are the titles that come up and leave like a whirlwind, Hitchcock re something I loved but can not find. Another I is to display the covers of books I'm reading, but for that I guess I should photograph them or scan them and make a link. I do not know, because I have some free time I'll keep investigating. But I have yet to write the editorial of the magazine that I run and I walk around with that instead of putting the ass in the chair and write at once. I look out the window through some very beautiful plants the fire escape as West Side Story, dirty brick wall, the sky Yorker, I look at a broken nail painted turquoise and start thinking about all I have to wrap before going out to the street boluda all that remains of the day.
Plans: 1. go to the museum of natural sciences, where there is a shows on the brain, 2. spend a day in Strand, the bookstore that I love because there I found the first edition of The Bell Jar acostadita on an oven (off), 3. Coffee Shop go to morfar prawns with coconut and mango sauce and 4. find a new book by a writer-painter did not know and that I love, called Maira Kalman and I met because Tommy Barban gave me his previous book, wonderful. Suggestions welcome.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Low Lymphocyte Count And Low Vitamin D

Something about modern art

When I say I will remember my papa. For him, the only respectable art were the classics. I was skeptical and conservative and everything that was not Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Goethe, Rembrandt, Velázquez and three equivalent to four seemed suspicious, Beretta, unnecessary. It was surprising that out of that list he liked some exotic, like Faulkner and Roa Bastos. And in the end, both living in Buenos Aires had accepted, albeit with reservations, Eduardo Falu, Mercedes Sosa and Fernando Fader, who seemed the maximum tolerable modernism. The Beatles and rock music took him out of the boxes. I was friends with artists remodeling and occasionally made the attempt to teach new things. I could not believe that she liked and believed that I could turn to their training sides German original square. He, as I wanted, accepted and provided grumbling that after we went to a pizza at Guerrin nail or a goulash to ABC. But from the corner began to look with suspicion and are packaged in the door of the air sample offended. At last came ostentatious gestures of repudiation, looked around, sniffed at a painting or an installation and as if the artist said he spoke too loudly: Ma, go to laburar!
Then, before the fugazzetta and glass of moscato got deep into abstruse theories about what is and is not art that I was not able to refute. Firstly because it was impossible to reason with him, and secondly because it gave me a good laugh listening to angry criticism. All his arguments carried the same point: the type I had no talent, no ideas or technical and had nothing to do with art, took advantage of the riding public snobbery these despicable objects to pass as an artist, but was actually a vivillos he had found a good Tongo to have fun without laburar.
The Truth Truth, every time I pass I see incommensurable fuck samples that are only explained by the immense boredom, excessive time off and look self-referential, hatched boxes with thousands of monotonous, drab diagrams drawn on the page a notebook and displayed as if the germ of a new art movement, painted fabrics in a horrible way for a self which believes it has nothing to learn anyone, and although I was not because I'm more civilized note that my papa, I curse the arrogance of those dunces secret for some reason call themselves artists and say a thousand times for me in front of each object Ma, go to laburar! and then I'll morfar a portion of a Muzza fugazzetta and a good glass of Moscato ice cream, which barely got up in silence in memory of my papa.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sample Bill Of Sale Car Ontario

what the Japanese fucks

saw not only because the race in front of the wave and you think that screaming because the video has no audio, not only because the sea had swallowed their houses and roll their cars, their chairs and pans, not only because running out of trains and only to be devoured bondis by the salt water and mud was not only because thousands of these delicate women thousands of adorable babies flathead were dragged and beaten against walls and floors to death, not only that. Also through the cracks in nuclear plants that leak radioactivity transform into walking corpses survivors, in people with immovable deadline, in babies with planned obsolescence. Especially since these pests will float in space and fall as an invisible dust on all of us, Japanese and Western, in 50, 60, and will make your children and grandchildren have leukemia, lymphoma, thyroid cancers and system central nervous when no one remembers the thermonuclear accident occurred in the earthquake of 2011.
My son John washed the dishes in Reef, I take a glass of wine and talk about it. Consistent with the view that he always had all the things he argues as he rubs a pot in which I made a sauce of black olives and pine mushrooms and says that all good ta, there is nothing to do, that should not be heated and final states to be born or not born well know that if you are born you can not live like in a plane electromagnetic, without the strict limitations that we suffer those already born. To a conscience, live in the form of matter is unthinkable, he concludes. The matter is too coarse for something as delicate as a spirit, says while shaking the crumbs from the tablecloth.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Numero De Serie Neroexpress

The dispute over the Budweiser name, the oldest commercial conflict still unresolved

Budweiser name refers to three brands of beer: Budweiser brewery Budweiser Budvar and 1795 produced in the Czech Republic, and American Bud, in the United States. Not surprisingly, the oldest commercial conflict unresolved to this day, is facing the American Budweiser Budvar and Bud, whose first lawsuits dating to 1880. Today the number of lawsuits between the companies is estimated at 40, although in 1939, under a commercial agreement between the two, reserve the name "Budweiser" to the Czech brand in Europe, the U.S. brand in the world. An agreement signed on January 8, 2007 between Anheuser-Busch and Czech brewer Budejovicky Budvar (bbnp) marks a milestone in the trademark dispute. Under the agreement, Anheuser-Busch goes on to become the U.S. importer of beer Czechvár Premium (name of Budweiser Budvar in the U.S.) and incorporates the mark to their products in order to gain a privileged position in the segment of imported beers in the U.S., strong growth in the last two years (7% in 2005 and over 10% in 2006). Although brand really should use the name Budweiser Budweiser brewery should be 1795 to As this is the oldest brewery, home that just has had problems with neighboring Czech Republic Budweiser Budvar by the use of the name, claiming both the commercial use of it.

The three companies were:

Bürgerbräu Budweiser Bier, founded in 1795 by German citizens of Ceske Budejovice (České Budějovice), which began exporting beer Budweiser Bier United States in 1875. The company was expropriated in 1945 and changed the name, but recovered during the 1990's after the fall of communism.

Budweiser (Anheuser-Busch), created by Anheuser-Busch in the United States, was originally marketed in 1876 as "Budweiser" in the U.S. and Canada.

Budweiser Budvar, a brewery founded in 1895 by Czech citizens in the city of Ceske Budejovice (České Budějovice).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chances Of World War 3

Death of a red heroine - Qiu Xiaolong

Muerte de una heroina

Death of a red heroine

Author: Qiu Xiaolong

ISBN: 9788496829169

few weeks ago I commented that ape t read something ECIA of novels, recently had a little left that genre. Well, I finally decided on something a little "different" in this genre.

Death of a red heroine is the first novel in the series which features the Chief of Police Chen Cao, created by novelist Qiu Xiaolong, a native of Shanghai, but currently residing in the U.S.. In this Man, life chances, we caught the mess of the Tiananmen Square while on a visit in the U.S. for work (a book on TS Eliot was writing) and after slaughter, the party revolutionary communist accused of, so could not return to China and settled permanently in Missouri. While

work m to have enough pull and keep us more or less in suspense throughout its development, which I found most interesting about this book is its setting.

The novel takes place in Shanghai in 1990, only had elapsed d or one year after the Tiananmen massacre and China was in the process of reforms initiated by President Deng Xiaoping, who will make the current system in the living communism and capitalism (this increasingly Finally, less of the former, but good). It is curious to read how they work in a police station in Shanghai, about the lives of families of policemen, their relationships with party officials.

older characters s also report or s experiences during the era of "Great Leap Forward", the "Cultural Revolution" period in which the party sent young educated in the big cities to rural areas that they might be re-educated by peasants.

In short, very interesting cultural background d China and society of the 90 that shows, and quite enjoyable as a thriller.

If you are going to page the "million uploads" and you keep up the black tiles (one per paragraph), and finalizais with "the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything Other ¨, you can find a revised and corrected version of the book.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chris Kattan John Goodman Skit

Hetty Green, the miserly woman

Hetty Green was once the richest woman in the world, but also the most miserly. Dressed and lived almost like a beggar.

a child, Hetty Green learned the rudiments of the business of his father, who possessed a large fortune that Hetty inherited when he was 30. He invested the money and the time of his death owned about 100 million dollars (for those of that time). It was so skillful in handling the financial world who earned the nickname "The Witch of Wall Street."

She married at age 33 with a millionaire named Edward Green, but made him sign a document by which he could not claim the money from it. When Green was ruined in a string of unfortunate business, Hetty divorced him and raised her two children in incredible conditions.

lived in small rooms in hotels miserable for not having to pay taxes on their properties. Used the same always dressed, and to save on soap, wash only the bottom, one that was kept in contact with the ground.

On one occasion, his son Ned suffered a knee injury and took him to a charity clinic. Unfortunately for Ned, the doctor recognized Hetty and demanded that she pay for the consultation. Hetty refused to do so, and personally attended to the child. Two years later, the leg had to be amputated.

not want to pay the rent of an office, so I used to meet business contacts at the bank where he kept his money, threatening to withdraw their bankers accounts if not allowed to send there. Heated a bowl of oatmeal in the warmer place or eating a ham sandwich he had in one of the many pockets of her dress.

When I was 81, Hetty had a stroke when he discussed the price of milk and his son, Ned, hired nurses who wore ordinary clothes so that her mother did not realize they were nurses, they would have objected strictly to be spent on such things.

wife died in 1916 in West Palm Beach, Florida, at the age of 81. The report the judge said malnutrition as the cause of death. The woman weighed only 23 kg at the time of his death. Appeared to have had a hard life. Neighbors said they often came to the back doors of their homes to ask for food.

When police searched his house full of garbage, they found two keys. The police took the keys to a safe deposit box two local banks where they finally discovered that it was Hetty Green, who at that time was possessed of a fortune that, that became the richest woman in the United States.

After the death of Hetty Green, Ned inherited much of her mother's fortune and became a millionaire extravagant and wasteful to spend money to fists at parties, jewelry, yachts and diamonds.

His daughter Sylvia, was an unreasonable recluse who kept his millions of dollars in the bank without earning interest.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Coconut Oil To Replace Butter Inbaking

[Music] 7 for 4 - Diffusion

A bit different instrumental music for the weekend to listen to while reading your favorite books.

Although generally not too much I'm loving progressive groups with extremely complex and convoluted compositions for this group keep a special affection. Remember downloading some songs from their first album "Contact" back in the early twenty-first century Napster, Audiogalaxy or any of those p2p programs stale and frankly left me fascinated. D2BC7D392 This is an instrumental progressive rock / fusion, a bit jazzy at times, highly complex and flawless execution from all componentes.No known to have released a new album. Frankly, given the popularity of such bands I Like, I doubt that he had found something like this without the help of internet access (internet and it took me 3 years to learn, so ...).

And thanks to the Internet (specifically the Wikipedia), I discovered that the guitarist and founder of Wolfgang Zenk , had an earlier group called Sieges Even , which I will also give an opportunity to encourage .

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Is The Rash In Between My Boobs

dasparkhotel history, the hotel where you will rest for a "tube" Why

We've seen all kinds of hotels, expensive, cheap, weird, etc, but there is always someone who continues to surprise. The Daspark hotel is in Austria, and if you're not claustrophobic you can sleep .... in a tube. Who said that everything was already seen?.

In this time of crisis is a man who has set innovate and seems to have done. The Austrian Andreas Strauss decided to sleep in a place of dreams should not be expensive and simple yes, and suggested using sewers, yes, clean and precise amenities.

Internet connection, windows looking to the stars, is ideally located in a park on the banks of the Danube, where almost every night there is a concert and can take a boat trip. Seen it seems that the last thing we think is that we stay in a concrete pipe. Simple, but well thought out.

The hotel is in Ottensheim, Austria, less than 200 km from Vienna. It is composed of several tubes, yes, if in the middle of the night to pee you should use the restrooms in the park (nothing is perfect).

But perhaps the most important advantage of this place is its price, and it has not, each sets the rate you want, and according to his owner, people tend to be generous, be it at rest While in bed you have in your interior.

only works from May to October, it appears that in the cooler months, stop being so comfortable, perhaps because there is no room for a radiator, and can be used from 15:00 until 12:00 h the next day.