AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) was first recognized in 1981 and knew he was from Africa. Has led to the deaths of more than 2.1 million people including 330,000 children. 77% of women in sub-Saharan Africa living with AIDS.
AIDS is an infectious disease that attacks the human immune system. It is caused by a retrovirus and the spread is given by the transfusion of infected blood, contaminated needles or by being born to a mother who is
AIDS is an infectious disease that attacks the human immune system. It is caused by a retrovirus and the spread is given by the transfusion of infected blood, contaminated needles or by being born to a mother who is
Malaria (1600 - present)
Malaria is one of the most common infectious disease caused by a protozoan transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes infected, resulting in the individual chills and fever or shortness of breath unhealthy. This disease leaves behind about one to two million deaths annually, most of whom are young children. Malaria is from Africa and spread by mosquitoes in other places in Asia and some parts of America.
Typhus (430 BC - present)
Typhus (430 BC - present)
Typhoid is one of the oldest infectious diseases of mankind, a disease caused by bacteria transmitted by lice. Is an acute infection caused by Rickettsia Prowazeki specific. It consists of groups of rickettsial diseases characterized by high fever, rash, a nervous and mental disorders and extreme prostration. Most of Napoleon's soldiers died of typhus in Russia between 1919 and 1923, 3 million people have died.
Wrath (1817 - present)
Wrath (1817 - present)
Cholera is an acute infectious gastroenteritis caused by enterotoxin producing strains of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, a disease characterized by severe intestinal disorders. Eight types of cholera pandemics have killed millions of people around the world as it first originated in the delta of the Ganges River in India.
Smallpox (430 BC - 1979)
Smallpox (430 BC - 1979)
Smallpox is a contagious disease, caused epidemics throughout history, this deadly disease caused variola virus that emerged in human populations and was eradicated from nature. This contagious disease killed 3 million people annually in the 20 th century. Smallpox began in East Asia and spread through India, Africa and the Middle East.
English Flu (1918 - 1919)
English Flu (1918 - 1919)
The English flu is an influenza pandemic that killed between 30 and 100 million people with unusually high death rates among healthy young adults within 2 years, and which quickly spread worldwide. It was the worst infectious pandemic in history and originated in France in 1916.
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