Tomorrow come to eat Ms. Angelita and her husband's character storybook children (The Ogre in the end is good). I'll make pickled eggplant, some orechietti with prawns and sun dried tomatoes and end my delicious rice pudding. For that I have everything but the special rice and cream, essential ingredients to let you patitieso pleasure.
I have a stack of books I bought yesterday at North and I like an anaconda swallowing a little at a pitch on my couch. Yesterday I read The garchofa emerald, ruby, a book and biography Escardó Semmelweiss Celine wrote as a thesis of his medical doctorate and now I'm finishing machine Gladys think of Levrero. So I'm going to postpone the trip to the supermarket until the last minute. In the eight families are deconcentrated moody with annoying kids and maids of the neighborhood who go looking for the supply of day and the queues in front of the boxes are noticeably shorter. At normal times figure it out an hour (if you take a book goes fast) and after eight o'clock, just ten minutes. This is because at that time ends on time deliveries at home, but you can ask to send it tomorrow. From eight until it is closed when the old divas. We Sergio Denis, Jean Francois Casanovas, a transvestite from the neighborhood in these fifteen years have deteriorated faster than the average human, and me. The super is empty. You can see the expiration dates of milk without being pushed and even fruits and vegetables have sores and bruises marked fingers of legs, no time to select free. Casanovas passed as a queen with black rimmed glasses as if to say I'm not here, I'm confused with another. Instead Sergio Denis fleet with their slippers and his hair dyed cheesecloth with chamomile in a gondola to another looking for organic food, always with a smile, waiting to be recognized.
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