A black eggplant = a cockroach Periplaneta americana. Do not tell me you never thought. A eggplants are missing legs and that is all the difference visible. The white filling in as well it seems, but a pussy ever cut into slices not say whether the internal organization is like eggplants, with rows of seeds that look like hieroglyphics Gothic letters Sumerians or convoluted. It is curious that each has its own interior design, equivalent to fingerprints. One could identify a killer eggplant that. A schizophrenic person may interpret differently these designs. I say this because many years ago Borda patients received hundreds of pairs of shoes donated by a very good factory had decided to deduct a charitable or tax handles. All patients got new sneakers cheering the smug strolled through the halls and through the park deteriorated. It was Friday. On Monday when we got all the pipes had burst and released shit merrily through the aisles and rooms. A quick investigation found that some patients had interpreted the drawing of the rubber sole as a coded message from the Israeli secret service, ran the ball, there were secret meetings between halls urgent and most decided to dispose of the donation by pulling one by one all shoes to toilets and pushing them with sticks to get off. Zapatillesco bolus immediately jammed, pulled the chain and at close range shit and peed all over the weekend told the consequences at first.
Eggplants also have something in common with slugs, when they put salt on a liquid secreted by dying and swelter completely. Today I am making pickled eggplant but this time I'm trying with the white, which look like albino cockroaches living behind and under refrigerators,
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